I am calling forth My solders. I am calling them to prepare and get equipped for battle. Sharpen your swords. Get acquainted with My battle plans. Get prepared for the uncharted territory that you are going to be fighting in. Get knowledgeable on how the enemy fights and where he is going to hit. Seek My face and know that you must be strengthened for I am about to break out in war, war for the freedom of My people.

It is time to get real with Me My children. It is time to see that I am not some fantasy being that you can just wish upon and things are granted. Know and feel that I am real and I am calling out for My people to stand up and fight. There are lives on the line and you must get into battle mode or the enemy will take you out.

I have sent mandates down in hell. I have told the enemy to let My children go. I have set the field up and the victory is already yours. I am calling you to stand up and fight. I am calling you to see the truth. To see the truth you must have your eyes upon Me and lean not to your understanding but trust that My Way is the best way.

What is about to hit you are not prepared for at this time. You must at all cost get prepared. Know where your weaknesses lie and strengthen them in Me. It is time to fight smart. It is time for you to find out who you are in Me and to know that I am with you, I am for you, and everything you do for My Kingdom shall prosper.

Die to the things of the flesh. Crucify the imaginations of the enemy once and for all. Put your faith and trust in Me. I have provided you with everything you need. Now you just have to use it properly and see that I am greater than anything that the enemy tries to throw your way.

Understand My children there are many ways to fight for My Kingdom. There are many ways that a hand has a use. Get in My Word and see what I use My Hands for and you shall see a new way to war. Surrendering to Me is the first step, knowing that I am not bringing you into a slaughtering battle but a battle of victory. You shall defeat the enemy at all sides as you allow your weakness to be worked on and be aware of what they are.

I love you My children. It is time to get into position. It is time for you to know your role and put your all into what I am giving you to do. When you do this you shall see that what I have placed you to do will go forth and many walls of the enemy will crumble and much freedom will be brought to My people.

Prepare you minds, hearts, souls, and spirit that it is time to fight. It is time to fight to keep and to have what is rightfully yours. You are heirs to Me and you have much inheritance that is yours that the enemy wants to steal or has already done. Find out what it is and get it back and protect it.

Focus on Me. Get into My Word and believe that it is true. Every answer, weapon, strategy, medicine, everything that you could possibly need for this war is in My Word. Use it and use it wisely. Do not ever forget that I have given you My Holy Spirit to assist you at all times as you invite Him to come along.

Listen to what He has to say and do it. And as you are obedient the enemy will not be able to take you under. This is a promise I give to you.