Tell My people that I am for them and not against them. I will finish what I have started; (if) they will keep their focus on Me. Too many are looking around about them and they are missing Me on all sides. Stop saith your Father and re-focus on Me and then allow Me the opportunity to come in and worship with you and then We will see together the entire puzzle; for I will surely place all the puzzle pieces together so you can see the entire picture of what I am doing throughout this land.

Too many are walking around discouraged and too many are saying: Where is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? If He is real; why are all these things befalling me?

Why? Why? Why? That is all I have been hearing lately and what I want to hear is PRAISE; praise from the heart in the midst of trying dark times; praise in the midst of great tribulation and adversity. Oh you say how can I praise you when all around about me is falling? My children I have been trying to teach you how to praise Me before all this darkness came upon the scene. Please learn to praise Me now; even if it is through buckets of tears; just praise Me for all the wonderful things I have already done, starting with the cross and working down.

I love you My people and nothing; absolutely nothing is ever going to change that. I simply love you.


“Blessed be the LORD, Because He has heard the voice of my supplications! The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. The LORD is their strength, And He is the saving refuge of His anointed.” (Psalm 28:6-8,NKJV)