Heavenly Father, I come before You to plead Your mercy over my own sins, the sins of other believers, and the sins of our nation.

May You judge not this nation with wrath and fury as upon Sodom, but judge it with a mighty outpouring of conviction of sin.  May sinners groan under the burden of their guilt until the people cry out as did those at Pentecost, “What shall we do?”

I praise Your holy name that there is sufficient measure of grace through the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ to answer this cry.  I wait for the Holy spirit to prepare and bring us all to revival.

I ask this all with praise in the merit of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen


Loving heavenly Father, I see about me brokenness and need.  I see great needs in my own heart, in my family, among my fellow believers, and in my community and culture.  Teach me to care, and to pray about those needs as Your servant Nehemiah learned to pray.

Unveil Your presence among us.  Draw near to us that we might experience the brokenness and the awareness of our sinful need.  I affirm that revival comes as people become aware of the near presence of our Holy God.

It is in the name and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ that I
pray.  Amen.