My children, today, I am telling you that it is time to listen and do what I am telling you to do. There are many works that I need to do, and I need you to stop resisting Me. Why do you choose to pay more attention to the lies of the enemy instead of the truth that I give you? Why would you not take Me seriously and be obedient?

To My children who have not done all that I have asked of you to do and have turned to your own ways, I am tired of correcting you. I am tired My children of giving you chance after chance after chance. You still reject Me and the things that I am doing for you. You reject My correction no matter what avenue I take you on. You reject the changes that I have been trying to do with you. You have chosen to give into your old ways and your old desires. You have chosen to go back to the things and ways of Egypt.

Those of you who have not conformed to My ways and have not allowed Me to do the things that I have asked you to do, I am no longer going to pull at you. I will never leave you, but I am going to allow the judgment to be brought on you. I have given you warnings. I have given you instructions. I have given you many tools and much grace. I have given you chance after chance, and you have wasted them. If you are choosing the old ways and the old things, I am going to let you live that way. I am going to allow you to continue to be deceived for this is what you have chosen. You are going to have to receive the consequences that I have been trying to save you from.

I have delivered you out of the hands of the evil one, yet you still look back to the things that once was and desire them. I am not going to go against your will nor am I going to try to convince you that you need to change your will. My Word that I have said is going to come to pass. It is time for it to come to pass. There is no more time to wait for you to get yourselves together. I have to move on and give those who have been faithfully and patiently waiting for My move to take place. It is time for these things to happen. I love all of My children, but if you have not submitted to all of My ways then there is no more time to wait for you to decide.

To those of you who have been My faithful ones, continue to allow Me to do the things that I have asked you to do. Continue to allow My works to be done in your life. I am moving on your behalves. You will see My word and promises come to pass. The time has come to fulfill the things that I have said were coming and needs to take place. The blessings and promises are here.
The judgment on the hardened hearts, the wavering, the unchanging, and the ones who have just refused to listen is here. Do not allow these judgments that are coming to them affect you or bring guilt or waste your time on them. I want you to focus on Me and understand I have done all that I can do for them. They have decided to go back to the leeks and garlic. They have decided that they are too lazy to fight and to do what I have asked them to do for Me. I am not saying that there is absolutely no hope in making heaven their home. I am saying that they will have to go through the first judgment that I am bring down from My throne. They have brought this upon themselves. Do not grieve for them. Do not try to pray them out of this judgment and punishment. There is no changing My mind.

It is time to focus on continuing to get yourself were I need you. It is time to get into the higher and deeper things of Me and to bring and minister to those who have not had the chance to know Me. I have found the lost souls, and I am bring them into the pasture. I want you to do My work and allow Me to use you to get them to the places that I want to get them at. Let Me work through you and allow Me to do what I need to do for them.
Rejoice today, My faithful children, My faithful servants, for the waiting time is over and much rewards are taking place. Do not focus on the judgment of the fallen and wicked. They must be punished for their disobedience and for the turning away from Me. There are things that have to happen before there is no hope of return. Rejoice that there will come a time of newness and an all-around return in the future for those who will become humble after the judgment takes place. Rejoice that there are new souls coming into the kingdom. Rejoice that the things I have promised are coming to pass.
Do not allow the enemy to pull you away at this time. Do not allow the enemy to distract you. Do not allow the enemy to take and steal anything that I am doing and giving you. Hold on to My hand and onto the things that I am telling you. Rejoice today My little ones. The waiting is over and the supernatural wonders are going to flourish and be abundant. You will be amazed and in awe of all the things that I am going to do. Rejoice, My faithful children, rejoice.