My children, I do not want you to walk under guilt, condemnation, or shame any longer. Too many of you, My children, are trying to stay focused on a soul or souls that I have put into your life too long. You need to understand that many people in the church and in your life are not making the right decisions. Even though they have heard the word and have had the same chances as you, they have decided to not listen or heed to My voice and calling that I have given. They are very deceitful and know how to play their roles very well. You MUST listen for My voice in this area. You cannot keep ignoring My voice and continue to work with them when I have asked you to move on.

I am going to be instructing some of you, My children, to walk away from ones who have not decided to follow Me with all their hearts and will not change their ways. They are becoming a distraction on the things that I have asked you to do and pulling you out of My will. You must listen to My voice and know when to cut the line and move on. You must also be listening when I tell you to be compassionate and minister to them to lift them up if they are falling.

So many of you still do not understand how important it is to hear and listen to My voice. You allow your own agendas and feelings to get into the way. There is no time to lose and waste. You must be able to know what to do at all times. I no longer want you, My children, to pacify those who are not willing to step into the maturity that I have called them to step in. Now is not the time to carry your feelings on your sleeve. It is time to fully walk in My discernment and wisdom to know what is really going on and what to do about it.

There are many lost souls out there that I desire to bring into My kingdom and to My church. I have been working on the church. There is no time to allow those who devour others for their own pleasing. I need to send these souls into the church to get where they need to be not to be destroyed more than the world would do. My church has had so much time to get their acts together and become the church that I have called them to be. I am weeding out My churches. You will be surprised who is going to stay and who is going to go if you are caught off guard. It is so important to be listening to Me and to be prepared for what is happening and taking place so that you do not follow them out.

You need to let those go who I am telling you to let go of. These people who are doing these things to you have made their minds up and have hardened their hearts. It is time to let them be in My hands and let Me deal with them. It is time for you to move onto the other things that I have called you to do.

When you let them go as I have asked, I do not want you to look at it as a failure. I do not want you to open the doors to any guilt, condemnation, and shame that some of you fall into. You must understand it is not your fault and these people have a mind of their own and only they can change their own wills. You must understand that I have and will give absolutely every chance I can possibly give before I move on.

Have you not noticed My children, how quick some are running, paying to go to the ER? They do not hesitate on taking the medicine they are given, or accepting the diagnosis that the doctor gives them. But how many of them, when they are hurting inside, or have a problem, do they run to the church and into My arms. How many of them accept and change what needs to be done to be healed? They complain about paying a tenth of what they make, if they even do that, but they do not hesitate to pay for things that they use to sooth themselves in other things. This is a problem and they are using this same mentality on draining My children. They are using you for a fix and not coming to Me like they ought to. They are using their resources for themselves and nothing else.

It is time to move on from people like these who are only in it for themselves. They truly do not care who they take down with them. It is time to let them sink or swim on their own. Let them know that they are not going to hold you back or cause you to walk away from your salvation.

Now remember you must listen to My voice in this area. I am not talking about those who I have placed in your path to minister to. I am talking about the ones that I have been trying to get your attention about and getting you to walk away and allowing them to stand on their own two feet. This is why you MUST at all cost listen to Me and what I am telling you. There is no more time to be wasting and this is what I am trying to get across to you today.

The enemy is using people that cause you to feel guilty, condemned, or shameful so that you do not move on to what I am asking you to do. The devil knows that as long as he can keep you distracted in this way and play with your feelings and emotions, it stops you from doing more things for Me. Come to Me today. Allow Me to open your spiritual eyes and ears to what I want you to see. Be willing to accept what I have to tell you and be ready to be obedient to what I tell you to do.

This is not going to be an easy thing for some of you. This is not going to be something that you are going to enjoy. But this is something that you need to understand has to be done. Do you think it was easy for Moses to challenge Pharoah the way he did and then have to walk away from him? Do you think it was easy for Moses to do what was right and listen to My voice? Do you think it was easy for Moses to hear about Pharoah’s heart and to know that the man he grew up knowing and respecting his authority, knowing what he was capable of, and he would not end up serving God as Moses did? This was not easy for Moses at all, but if Moses had not done that and been obedient things would not of come as I had planned for My people.

I have chosen certain ones to do certain things and that is just the way it has to be. I could just choose someone else, but that is not how things work nor how I have things planned. Today, I want you to walk with Me and allow these things to come to your attention. I want you to stop walking in the guilt, condemnation, and shame that the enemy has been trying to get you to walk in through these people. Let Me tell you what I want you to do and let Me direct and guide you. I want you to be open to what I want you to do and be willing to let go those who you need to let go of and put them completely in My hands.