Father, I feel like you want to speak to me. I am listening.

Daughter, to be forewarned is of dire importance. You must forewarn My people at every turn of what is about to take place all across this United States of America. In every town; in every city there will be one form of chaos. All must listen to the advice and information I am giving to My prophets at this given time. None must suppose to know all things. False pride will get them killed. All must pick up the pieces that are left and allow me to multiply those pieces. The enemy has shredded some of your dreams; he has come in like a flood and totally destroyed all that you hold dear. Church, I am the Way Maker and I desire to make a way out of this turmoil, strife and mess that the adversary has brought into your life. Do not give in NOW; for this is the time to rebuild; reshift and become all that I have called each one of you to be. Shift with Me. Shift lanes and come full circle into your destiny and do not allow not even one moment slip by without Me in it.

All is not lost; no matter what you see or hear. This is a brand new beginning for most of you. Now step into what I have called you forth to do and do not look back. All that is back there is the enemy of your soul. Leave him back there and you come up hither with Me, where there is no lack.