Posts tagged with ‘remnant’

5 Items

Profecía – 14 de Mayo de 2022/Prophecy May 14, 2022

by Admin

Profecía por Medio Rev. Astrid Sherriff La cosecha está lista, prepara a mi pueblo mi remanente viajarás lugares para mí, yo soy el Señor que provee, no te preocupes por cómo se hará, yo soy tu proveedor.  Mucho está a punto de suceder es esta tierra llamada América, la cosecha de almas necesita mi palabra, […]

Profecía – 29 de Octubre de 2021

by Admin

Profecía por medio Rev. Astrid Sherriff La victoria está en tus manos de los pequeños. Ven y únete a mí en esta aventura y no le digamos más al enemigo. En Dios somos más que vencedores. Ven a mí hasta ahora al tercer cielo y déjame revelarte los secretos ocultos que tengo para ti en […]

Special Words – March 31,2021

by Admin

Prophecy through Rev. Aaron Betz The chapter has ended. The old books are even closed and all things are made new. I have allowed some of the enemy’s end game torments to remain on My people in order to strengthen you. But now, his time is up. His ease of access into your lives will […]

I Am For My People

by Admin

I am for My people.  I love them with all of My heart.  I will stop at nothing to prove My love to them.  I will go to the highest mountain and the lowest valley to prove My love for them.  I do all of these things for them but they hold themselves in reserve […]

An Unprecedented Revival

by Admin

Just like I placed My Body in a time of unprecedented tests, I am placing the anointing for an unprecedented revival.  It shall be strong.  It shall last for years and years to come and all of the miracles that I have promised shall come to pass in this season that is coming. There shall […]