Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Family,

God is on the move and He is showing Himself strong on our behalf.  Look at the Glory on Pastor Barbara in these images from the video of our service last night. (click here to see the video; Then Click on the video for Sunday October 2, 7 pm).  See Special Note Below.

The Glory of God appears in a visible way.  You can just barely see Pastor’s Barbara face as the anointing gets stronger during the ministry.  Same camera recorded the service and altar service.  Look carefully at the images in the video and below.

God is so good.

In Christ,

The Lighthouse Inc., Church

Image 1 – Time Stamp 1:26:30 Minutes


Image 2 – Time Stamp 1:27:05 Minutes


Image 3 – Time Stamp 1: 27:12 Minutes


Image 4 – Time Stamp 1:28:00 Minutes

****Special Note – Single Camera Recording****

We checked the footage from the camera from multiple computers and phones because we wanted to make sure that this was not just some technical fluke.

Unfortunately, at this time we only use one camera for our livestream.  At this particular moment in the service we widen out the shot to show the altar service.  Because we don’t utilize multiple cameras no other footage is available or a close up is available.  It would have been awesome to have that to further confirm the miracle that we see.

Some groups use multiple cameras when they video and this gives them the ability to keep a close up shot on the speaker at all times.  This would have been awesome to have and further the confirm the miracle.  At the time stamp where you can see the glory over Pastor Barbara the camera had already been changed to the wide-angle view.