Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Family,

Please read the following from Rev. Elizabeth Cassutto.

In Christ,

Evangelist/Pastor Barbara

“How the Lord is directing me to pray for President Trump: biblical patterns and precedents play out”


Mankind is a peculiar lot.

Each generation seems to forget the lessons of the previous ones, despite more knowledge being available now than in recorded time. Of the times we are living in, the prophet recorded (Daniel 12:4) “knowledge would increase”.

●This past week, former President Donald Trump was in court, again, defending himself against his latest accuser. The relentless attacks against this man who loves his nation, is unlike anything I’ve seen in my lifetime. It’s clear there’s a dark agenda afoot to destroy Trump at any cost. Yet God will answer all liars, at a time, and in a way, they least expect.

●The fear of the Lord is a real thing. A fool doesn’t believe it exists – which, the end of, results in that they become:  their own jury, judge and executioner. Unrepentant gross wickedness is fearful to a person, a society, a nation, and that fear of the Lord, truly is applied wisdom. For those who heed it, it’s life.

●That should be a word to the wise to those who hate the people God uses.  Those who love to plot and plan evil, must think, the Creator of the universe, has fallen off the celestial turnip truck, and doesn’t see or hear all they plan in secret. Yet God in heaven laughs at the wicked, for He sees their day is coming. Psalm 37:12-29, Psalm 13:22. It is a vain they fight the Almighty God.

●Trump-hating has been a monthly, weekly, mostly daily thing- since he came down that escalator at Trump Towers and said, yes America, I’ll go to bat for you. I will fight for your survival.

● I realize everyone has their own opinion of the man and his presidency,  and that’s not the point of this post. Our opinion matters little. Really doesn’t. We all see through a looking glass dimly.  What I’m after is God’s thoughts on a matter. And His Word makes it clear what He loves and what He hates. This post will speak to that.

●For all his detractors who were and still are looking for a perfect man to lead people, a nation, I say….have you  read about whom God has used throughout thousands of years of recorded history?  Please find a flawless saint, if you can. Save yourself time – you won’t. ‘Perfection’ has never been a character mark of vessels God has used to shape human history.

● Just one example here – how about Abraham- the patriarch and father of faith, a noble man and visionary, who in a moment of weakness, lied, made some poor choices. God used many, even in spite of their flaws and all, if their heart was clear and right, toward God, and the people. It’s the perverse (wayward, crooked, deceitful) in spirit- that heaven turns from. We are all still on the potters wheel, including leaders- and we cause harm to ourselves- if we ever forget that. It’s the heart of a man God is after – and if He gets that – He can turn the nation toward back to Himself. Proverbs 21:1

●I do not believe for one second that Donald Trump is guilty of the recent charges against him. His ‘accusers’ have been exposed for their misdeeds and wicked ways – so why would I believe the thief who accuses the victim, of a crime?

●You know the old adage…if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Don’t call it a horse or a deer – it’s a duck. If there has been lie after lie, accusation after accusation, for the last 8 years against this man, if they’re all proven hoaxes, lies and vicious political attacks against him, why would I even question their motive? It’s obvious. When the world system, swamp, call it what you want- is all against this one, that tells me everything I need to know.

●As Jesus said “if the world hated me, they’ll hate you”. John 15: 18-27. If you are chosen to be God’s man or woman to fit heavens purpose for your generation- don’t expect the world (system) to love you and welcome you with open arms. Why would they? You represent a threat to their control and power. The needy and hungry and everyday seekers loved Jesus – but the proud and haughty despised him. So what was changed in 2,000 years?

●Just as the Sadducees and Pharisees (the ruling political-religious body of Jesus’ day) knew Jesus was sent by God, they didn’t want to lose power. So they looked for a trap to set for him. Yet – where are they now? Regret. Regret. Regret. But those who truly loved truth and peace, loved Jesus. They are with Him now- and will return with Him, when His government-administration returns to enter the scene. Hallelujah! Luke 18:8, Psalm 2:6-9, Revelation 19:15, Zechariah 14

●So – in this time frame – how do we discern between truth and a lie. On the world stage. In our leaders. Yes- even in the Church? Here’s some takeaways:

1. Ask: What is the agenda? Who is it that’s throwing the accusation? What do they believe and follow? What will the accusers gain, if a lie is perpetrated and carried out?  The question answers itself. Follow the money trail. Follow the power trail. If you listen carefully to a leaders words, you can see what they really want. A fruit is known by the tree it grows on, and no rotten tree bares good fruit. Apples dont grow in barren soil, and good fruit, like truth, comes out of clean souls. Know the fruit.

●Faith isn’t a matter of being blind – it’s actually more practical than you realize. There is cause and effect at play. Always. There is truth and there is the lie. There is God’s kingdom versus satans kingdom. The fruit is obvious.

●Everything can be narrowed down to that. It all gets quite simple when you break everything down to its lowest common denominator: simple math.

●The Lord told me this man [Trump] has more courage than many christians today.  God wasn’t looking for a first bishop, or a flawless pastor to occupy the leadership mantle of this republic – He was looking for someone (like a Washington or a Lincoln), that could go the distance. Couldn’t be bought. Would stand up to the hordes of hell in every arena, that would try to kill him and take him out.

●Who has the stamina, fortitude and resolve, to carry out a thing to its final end? God uses the unlikely, often, to lead, but He always uses the tested.  Christians in America want to be safe, like anywhere else. For all the rhetoric of past presidents who could quote scripture and show a good appearance, their promises were just smoke signals that vanished into air.

●God often uses a brash individual (like a Jehu), with courage and grit (like David), with a vision and personality to go the distance (like an Abraham or Moses), and I believe Trump is still one of them. I knew christians who were offended 8 years ago; but he (Trump) didn’t speak christianse, or look the part of what they were used to. It’s precisely because he isn’t a political used car salesman peddling lies to get votes – that I feel pleasure in this.

● Trump is all about results. Facts. Can back it up with action. Has. Not vain words. By the way – That’s what the gospel tells us to do. Don’t give lip service without action – faith without works is dead. A man’s promises should mean something – especially in a national leader. It does in very few.

●Jesus had a lot to say about ‘words without action’ through the gospel. The Lord showed me what matters more isn’t what people say,  it’s what they do. In that day, many will say “Lord, Lord  didn’t we do this, or didn’t we do that” – you know the verse.  The Lord’s reply is clear. “Depart from me, I never knew you”. Our actions is what God sees.

● Lip service is cheap. And it gets you nowhere with God. All talk with no corresponding action is cowardice.

●Like Donald Trump- we all have had, & still deal with, personality quirks and imperfections. But the Lord showed me a man who is not a liar, has courage, and will fight to defend His family (and people) is admirable and good in His eyes. Scripture tells us that one who does not care for his own is worse than an infidel – unbeliever. When one is elected to the highest office in the land – he better believe in the people he’s representing – or he’s a liar in God’s eye. And might I add, mine too.

●Cowards have no reason to defend me or you – there’s nothing in it for them. But only someone who cares for the people will go through hell for them. The daily grind of not caving in.

●Only someone that really loves us would be willing to give up their life for us. Jesus proved that. My own late father (WW11 vet) who labored and toiled 16 hours a day – to not only took care of his family – but everybody else he came in contact with, proved it. He was ‘unchurched’ as they say, but he was the consummate good Samaritan. Honest to a fault, couldn’t suffer fools, cheats or liars easily. Not a religious or political bone in his body. Spoke His mind- whether you wanted to hear it or not. But always spoke the truth.

● Maybe that’s why I get the persona of a Donald Trump; I recognized the mold from which he was made. Good stuff: character, revolve and hard work.

●When It comes down to it, all people want to be safe. They want to have hope for the future. They want their grandchildren safe. If God had chosen a mamby-pampy, casper milque-toast type of leader 8 eight years, this nation would be in far worse straights than its in, already. (We are only surviving on.the fumes of yesterday) as we are.

●I see the obvious, clearly. The enemy of freedom, justice and liberty must hate Trump, or else, the plots to destroy him wouldn’t be so relentless. So, by reason of deduction, if you love freedom justice and liberty, and desire your nation to be blessed (or great) again, then those who hate what you stand for – must be in allegiance to spiritual powers of darkness.

●Trump supporters are accused of being emotional (not logical) in their support of his platforms – but here’s the fallacy of their lie- unraveled. Just where is the sanity – in wanting the land where you live, destroyed, taken over, ravished from within by drugs, abortion, crime, insanity, poverty, plagues and hopelessness, to proceed.

●The billionaires and millionaires (many of them civil servants in goverment), live in gated communities on the largess we, the common folk, pay for. No, having nothing, owning nothing, and being happy being told what to believe and do – is an agenda straight-outta-hell. Take off the blinders.

●It was never and has never been God’s plan for His creation, His people, to be the tail, and not the head. We are told to ‘occupy until He comes’. The Church abdicated her position to rule and reign. As nature abhors a vacuum, the enemy takes over. It takes a wrecking ball like a Trump, sent by God, to knock the dumb out of a mass of sheep, who’ve been neutralized and hypnotized by a system of deception, control and petversion. As the Apostle Paul said to the foolish Galatians in Galatians 3:1 – “who has bewitched (tricked, blindsided) you”? Oh America, you were bewitched. Get back on track.

Don’t believe lies or those who promote them. You are smarter than that.

●I get it. We wrestle with spiritual powers of darkness- we don’t wrestle with flesh and blood. That’s why our fight must be in the spirit (praying without ceasing), yet, it must have feet on the ground to be practical. Corresponding actions to true spiritual mandates bring revivals, and re-birth. We must see beyond the human persona and see – who is really speaking –  heavens king –  or the other kingdom – the kingdom of liars and cheats. Doesn’t the Word tell us the devil is a liar and a cheat from the beginning. The leopard doesn’t change his spots. Nor do those who hate truth.

Boots on ground time, church. Faith is  practical and doable- when there are actions behind the words. 

●In 1st Samuel 30-  David’s experience at Ziklag, was a bad day. The Amalekites had stolen (hostages) David and his army – their wives, children. Burned everything. Like what has been going on in Israel since October 7th. Everyone turned against King David. The men were angry, sad, needed somewhere to vent. It got to David. As he sought the Lord, we know the verses…the Lord told him to pursue, recover all. Verse 8: Recover all.

● Just like in verses 18- 19 (1st Samuel 30) – I believe God put the will in Trump to help our nation, and the Church – to recover all. Much political and religious harlotry, centuries of Jezebalic reigns, much sin and witchcraft- has caused America to look like a place – the Amalekites want to plunder and own. Oh, Babylon is a comin’ down. Fast.

●Too many verses to list here – but check out all the scriptures about recovering. Taking back plunder from the enemy. There are so many that you can quote as you pray for this nation. I am.praying for divine reversals in 2024, for America, for the nations, and even vindication for Pres. Donald J. Trump.

●Verses 18-19 sum it up the best: “So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away. . . . . And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all.”

Submitted by:  Elizabeth Cassutto
               January 27, 2024