By Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch

When do you think I will close the door on the 5 Virgins? Sooner than the church believes. Playtime has ended, and I am about My Heavenly Business of Harvesting. I have loved and wooed the Body long enough. Now, I must Love and Woo the darkness in the hearts of the Lost and Dying. They have not heard My voice of Love. They have heard a voice of Judgment, Hate, Bitterness, and condemnation, but My churches have cast aside the true word LOVE, and they are about their business and not the Father’s business.

It will all be over one day, and My Son will come for His Bride. Are you part of that Wedding dinner? Have you been washed in the Blood of the Lamb? Are you dressed in white linen? Are you concerned about everything I said, or are you still walking in your little world thinking all is well when it is just the opposite?

It is over time church for you to get your head out of the dirt and look up.

Matthew 25:  1 – 13

According to Matthew 25:1–13, ten virgins await a bridegroom; five have brought enough oil for their lamps for the wait, while the oil of the other five runs out. The five virgins who are prepared for the bridegroom’s arrival are rewarded, while the five who went to buy further oil miss the bridegroom’s arrival and are disowned.