Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Family,

If you have not signed up for the Serpent and the Soul Seminar with Katie Souza you are really missing out on a very special opportunity for healing in your own life.  Register Now

It’s not too late for you to join us via Zoom.  Our next class will be Friday September 8, 2023.  You can register here and catch the replays for the first 3 sessions.

Here is a testimony from one of the seminar guests.  Her name is Lea.  This is a powerful example of what God is doing through this seminar.

In Christ,

Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch

Testimony from Lea:

I had never made such a powerful connection in the Communion Ritual with our Lord. During session 3 with Katie Souza, I boarded the flagship journey into a true “supping in heavenly realms.”

As we were led through the first round of Communion, Katie visualized Christ on the cross, the Sacrificial Lamb. However, I was experiencing something different…
I was in a simple but large dining area lit with soft candlelight… sitting at a wood table with Jesus. The surroundings were quiet and clutter-free… no noises, no artificial effects of modern life… it was very joyful and warm, as pleasant and cozy as a family get-together. Jesus smiled and broke the bread and handed me a piece. Steam and fragrance rose from the offering…. It tasted delicious and buttery… and I thought of the scripture describing Him dipping the bread into olive oil and I tasted real, real olive oil….
Love and compassion glowed from Him… sincere friendship, overwhelming comfort and nourishment.
I know that Katie, and perhaps the Lighthouse staff, shied away from describing the drink as “wine”, but I wanted to taste the wine that Jesus tasted (and offered as a symbol of His blood.) A few sips of the Lord’s wine was sweet and refreshing as a swim in a spring, with a gulp of pure water bubbling up from an Artesian well.  I enjoyed this cup with Jesus. After all, we were celebrating!
I want you to know that my communion bread was actually a flat crispy pretzel, and my cup was filled with lukewarm water… but Jesus transformed my meager offering into a magnificent experience of loving kinship with Him. And I felt His love for everyone else who was taking Communion at that time… He could love me and everyone else with equal vigor. It was so beautiful and powerful.
We often think that the Last Supper was somewhat somber and serious, especially the part about Judas and betrayal, but we also feel the Disciples’ wonder and mystery surrounding Jesus’s words to them about His impending death and resurrection. How could they know what would happen at that point? But we know! Yes, we do… we know how that snippet in history plays out and we have a flood of other information presented to us all at once, information that the Disciples had to walk out and discover.
The way that Jesus looked at me and smiled during communion was like, “Hey, you got this, Lea, let’s celebrate what’s to come for you… things unknown to you will also be revealed!”
About a week ago, El Roi, (the God Who Sees Me), gave me a dream/vision. It was just a snapshot… I saw desperate and starving people eating disgusting odiferous gunk – things that were never intended to be food – because they had nothing else but they wanted to live.
The vision was very disturbing because I knew this was happening and would happen again to those who had never gone without food… and yet, it is not just about physical food; it is about spiritual food too… and now I think about Jesus’s words to Peter, “…feed My sheep…”
The other experience I had during Communion was seeing Jesus on the seashore, a mere shadow, tending a fire at the break of dawn. He was cooking breakfast for the Disciples who had been out fishing and had not yet seen the Risen Lord… but they would see and experience Him. And they would experience a mighty revival. Here, I am reminded of Katie’s parting words about revival that comes through Communion.
I want to thank Barbara Allsopp and Christopher, Pastor Barbara, and the Lighthouse staff and parishioners for providing me and others this great opportunity for revival, and for a true experience of the blessing of Communion. Thank you!
Lea Atiq”