Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Family,

We have to bring you some disturbing news.  The devil has decided that it would be in his best interest to have President Donald J. Trump formally charged with a crime by a grand jury.  When a grand jury is convened, the prosecutor presents evidence of what they feel is a crime and if the people on this jury believe a crime has been committed the State or Federal Government proceed forth bringing a court case against the defendant.  The grand jury is private. No one knows who these people are and in some cases how they are picked.  It’s supposed to be random.  It’s supposed to be fair.  And the person who is being accused does not get the right to present arguments to counteract what has been said against them.  Because these hearings are done behind close doors no one knows what was presented except those in the room.

So, they claim that President Trump has done something wrong.  We know that this is not true but in today’s climate it’s the largeness of the accusation that gets made versus the truth.  In other words, the more outrageous they can make the crime look the worse it is for President Trump to prove his innocence.  Many of these charges have been made over and over since President Donald J. Trump announced he was running for President.   They all have been found to be lies and totally untrue but what matters in the press and the news media is how bad they can make it sound like he committed a crime.

The devil is gloating.  You can see it in the news reporters faces.  It’s a demonic smirk and grin that is just sickening.  They really think that they have won.  Their next move is to formally arrest President Donald J. Trump.  It will be done in a most public way.  They will do all that they can to shame him.  Their goal has always been to stop him from doing what God has called him to do.  One thing is for sure, there is an even larger segment of the American population that is rejoicing over the news today.   This is sad and in the end they will get their reward from God.  Learn what you can from the article below.  God has us on a fast for a reason.  If you have not already, add this to your list of prayer for God to intervene.


The Lighthouse Inc., Church

BREAKING: Out of control liberal prosecutors just INDICTED President Trump!

But it’s not just President Trump they’re after.

They won’t rest until EVERY pro-Trump conservative is handcuffed, humiliated, and thrown in a JAIL CELL!

An immediate and overwhelming GOP response is needed at this very moment.

Because if we fail, EVERY supporter of President Trump will be next.

And all were asking for is an answer to this one question:

Should all charges against President Trump be DROPPED?

Joe Biden is LAUGHING at every patriot who refuses to respond.

Please believe us when we say this is the most impactful thing you can do to stand with Pro-Trump conservatives day.

Paid for by Texans for Ronny Jackson

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