By Evangelist Barbara Lynch {Appeared in Sunday 9-11-2022 Weekly Bulletin}

Father why is all this destruction going on in America?

My daughter My children will not relent of their sins. They are bent in their heart to go forward into the darkest of the darkest. They will not heed My voice of grace. They will not turn from their wicked evil ways. I will keep bringing destruction upon America until they relent.

Their hearts are hardened to the very core and they care not what I say or what I do to bring them to their knees. The days of swift judgment are upon My people. If they would just fast and pray and turn from their wicked evil ways I will relent of My judgments. Much of America will be destroyed before My people understand My wrath, My love, and My grace. Their ways are definitely not My ways. I have sent prophets before their faces but still they will not turn from their wicked evil ways.

Lean not to your own understanding at this given time. For you will not be able to go forward without hearing My still small voice. I have been instructing My people to listen for My still small voice; but they will not heed My instructions.

One day they will understand; but it will be too late there will be no turning back that door will be closed never to be opened again. I have given the example in My word about the foolish virgins but still My church ignored My warnings. I have sent My best prophets with truth and still they ignore My warnings.

Jeremiah 17:9-10 (ESV) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? 10 “I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”