The primary election for DE is being held on Sept. 13, 2022. A group of intercessors called DE Gideons has bee praying with me for the state of DE. The Delmarva area team asked me if either I or this group would host a time of prayer for Delaware’s election. I spoke with these powerful intercessors and we agreed that it was important for us to stand in the gap for DE for Godly kingdom minded leaders to be elected. DE is the first state and what happens here impacts the nation as a whole. For those who can attend in person, we will be hosting a time of prayer at Legislative Hall in Dover, DE at 10:30am on September 6, 2022. If you are unable to attend in person we will have a conference call line open for you to call and join in the decrees and declarations.
As we get closer,  I will send out more details. I hope that many of you will be able to join with us for this strategic time of prayer.