Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Family,

You really need to listen at these two prophetic words that the Lord spoke this past Sunday night.  They are a foreshadowing of what is coming.

In Christ,

Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch


Prophetic word #1 during ministry…  {Mantles, Role Playing, Deep Sin}


“…Body of Christ that there’s a floodtide of sin that’s coming across the land and the nature of many in the House of God is going to change for evil and not for good.

Many mantles are going to be taken away from some because they would not relent and go to the Mercy Seat and be freed from their sins.

God’s warning you before it happens so you can keep yourself right before the Father of Grace and not lose your mantle and God’s even saying, some of you think, oh well, who cares, I’ll just stay in my sin nature.

You will care. You will care children, you really will.  Because what the enemy has in store for you, you really don’t want to walk into.

I am offering you peace and grace and love and happiness and he’s(satan) offering you every dark thing he has in his kingdom.

Some of you are just role playing your walk with God.  You’re really not really walking with God. You’re just role playing to please those around about you and God says you don’t have to worry about pleasing them, you have to worry about pleasing God.  And He is not in any wise pleased with role playing.

And there’s some of you in here…  I’m just telling you what God says… Some of you in here, you are in deep sin. You know, those sins are saying, in the Bible, that they will take you straight to the pit and still you stay in those sins, you’re headed for the pit. And when you get there, you’re going to wish you would have gotten out of your sin, but it will be too late.

And God said, I’m not playing games with My body, I have a work to do and I have to stay on schedule. And so, I’m giving you a wakeup call tonight, either you are for Me or you are against Me.”


Prophetic word #2 during ministry… {Fiercest Battles, White House, Earthquake}


“…And then I’m also hearing God say that in this dispensation of time, that the leaders that He’s has grown up and He’s going to pull forward are going to fight some of the fiercest battles that the Church has ever fought. That you’re going to fight all of all the legions of Hell that, uh, are so dark, but you will fight them and you will come forth victoriously, because God says He’s giving you the strength and the stability that you need to fight this warfare that He is sending you into and He said, think it not a strange thing when the battle begins. Just understand that tonight, God told you this battle was here.

And God is also saying there’s going to be a big upheaval in the White House. A lot of people are saying that the White House is going to be totally destroyed. It’s not the White House. It’s the people in the White House that God is going to destroy. There’ll be much destruction there. And you leaders that He’s pulled up even here tonight, He’s going to give you great understanding of what’s really going on so that you can tell the other people the truth of what’s happening.

Because He’s telling me to tell you the Body of Christ has been let into much deception about all things, but He’s going to start revealing the truth to you leaders in here tonight that He’s pulled forth.

And God is saying, Lo and behold, I am with each and every one of you here tonight. I will continue to work with you until the day that your heart stops beating. I will continue to try to change your thought life. I will try to change the way you come into My throne room. For some of you come in wrong, but I’m going to teach you the right way to come into My throne room. Many books are going to be written in the months ahead on My throne room and how to enter My grace and My mercy. But tonight, I say unto each one of you here, I have flung the gates wide open, and you can come to the Mercy Seat anytime you so desire. And I’m also hearing God say there’s an earthquake coming across the land that’s going to change the formation of the land. But before the earthquake comes, He’s going to be giving some of you a vision of it. He’s going to be giving you a vision of exactly where it’s going to occur and what the destruction is going to be. And he wants you to write it down and share it with the body.”