March 5, 2022

Evangelist Barbara Lynch

Putin is playing games. These games will lead the world into WWIII.  If only My people would pray instead of speculating.

I have chosen those who are mine and they have been on the backside of the desert; but I am getting ready to pull them to the forefront.  These are tried and true warriors that know how to fight; who they are fighting; and who are the victorious ones. They have learned the sound of the still small voice that says: turn here, go there and they obey.  They have been in strenuous training for such a time as this.

This year will not end before you see the changing of the guard in the White House and in the political arena. My angelic host are already on the scene and in their places of interest. My warriors have learned the deep secrets of the Heavenly Kingdom.  The enemy will not be able to trick them into compromise.

These days are not like the days of old.  They are tried and true days and what I declare will happen
