To My people who are called by My Name.

Listen up My children! Hear the voice of your God this day.

You have called upon My Name and I have heard. You have expressed your needs and even your wants to Me. Listen intently for I have something to say to you.

Do you not know who I AM? Have you forgotten all that I did for My people who called on My Name? It is written, “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength.”

Remember who I AM when you call on My Name. Remember what I have done and the prayers I have answered in the past. Then call on My Name in reverence and not as a person. For I AM God, the only ONE God and there is no other God but Me.

Lean on Me and not your own understanding. I will make a way where there seems to be no way. I AM the Way Maker. For My Name is Holy. Remember that when you come to call on My Name. Remember Me as your Righteous God. I move mountains out of your path every day without your knowing. I carry your burdens so you do not have to. I supply all your needs and will continue to do so.

Let Me be who I AM to you and all shall be well with your soul. We will walk this life together, you as My child and I as your God and Father. Now come.

Your loving Father, God

Teresa R. Michieli
Outpouring Ministries