Soul Refiner and Dr. Weiss join together for this FREE WEBINAR

Date: Friday, February 11th, 2022

Time: 10:00 a.m. EST


Topic: Is there any chance for true intimacy in my marriage? 

We receive this question all the time from both husbands and wives desperately wanting to feel loved. They blame the sexual addiction or the infidelity, but they don’t realize it could be another silent relationship killer- intimacy anorexia

 Intimacy anorexia is intentionally withholding emotional, spiritual, and sexual intimacy from your spouse. 

Dr. Doug Weiss, a leading sex addiction and partner betrayal trauma expert, has walked with thousands of couples who were merely coexisting in a passionless marriage. He may have just the information you need if you feel stuck in a loveless marriage. 

Join us Friday, February 11th at 10:00 a.m. EST for this FREE webinar, where you will leave feeling wiser and empowered in Christ.  
Not married? Although Dr. Weiss will be addressing marriages, this could be an incredible opportunity for you to learn what may have sabotaged your past relationships or how to experience a passionate relationship in the future. 

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