Recently I heard the Lord say, “I am establishing the ‘HOME season.'” When He spoke this to me, I knew immediately it was a multi-layered word.

At Home in Me

The Lord showed me that there is a deeper understanding taking place within the Body of Christ. We are awakening to the reality of “home in Him.” I sensed a deep, burning revelation of communion and oneness with Him; the “John 15” place of abiding in the vine – of finding deeper rest, peace, security, life and strength in Him. The Body is awakening to an even deeper understanding of Jesus as the root and source of lives. We are coming into a deeper baptism in the fire of His love (Ephesians 3:16-19).

All other loves before Him, all other idols, are being cast aside as there is a deep “returning to home”…the place of first love. Distractions and things which people have looked to for their value and purpose (apart from God) are being shaken.

An invitation is being extended to ferociously focus on Him and all things pertaining to life and godliness, which are found in Him. We are being invited to awaken to our eternal purpose and identity. In this deep place of safety, we will be delivered from fear, and will remain at peace in the storm.


I then saw a vision of God’s people being covered in a banner which read: “SHALOM.”

Brian Simmons describes the word “shalom” this way:

    SHALOM means much more than peace. It is wholeness, wellness and well-being. It is safe, happy and friendly. It is favor and completeness. It means to make peace (a peace offering), to secure, to prosper, to be victorious and to be content. It is tranquil, quiet and restful…

    The pictographic symbols for the word “shalom” (shin, lamed, vav, mem) actually read: “Destroy the authority that binds to chaos.” The noun “shalom” is derived from the verbal root “shalam,” which means “to restore” (in the sense of replacing or providing what is needed in order to make someone or something whole and complete).

    So shalom is used to describe one who has provided all that is needed to be whole and complete, and to break off all authority that would attempt to bind us to chaos. (Paraphrased)

Revival in the Home and Family

When the Lord spoke to me about the “HOME season,” I also knew that He was speaking of FAMILY.

There is a mighty move of the Spirit of God happening in families right now. He is bringing revival in families. He is bringing a deeper unity in families. He is calling for a greater focus on the family of God and family in the home.

Strategies for the Home Season: A Change of Pace, a Shift and a “Letting Go”

The Lord showed me where the enemy has been coming in, ferociously trying to bring division and a breakdown in homes. He told me that this is a time to truly draw close to Him, and to ask what this “home season” should look like for you and your family.

The Lord has different strategies for this season. These strategies are designed to create space for the Spirit of God more than ever before, and to establish the “home season.” There will be a “letting go,” a shift and a change of pace. His strategies will usher in mighty moves of His Spirit and revival fires in the home unlike anything we’ve seen before, creating houses of His glory.

I felt such a strong, weighty urgency from the Spirit of God. He wants His people to stop and draw close to Him, taking the time to ask Him what “establishing of the home season” should look like within households. He wants us to be willing to shift and change as He speaks.

I heard the Lord’s voice thunder strongly as He said: “SOME PRIORITIES MUST CHANGE.”

I knew immediately that there was a “dying to certain things” that needed to take place. This must happen in order for God’s will to be established in the HOME. Room must be made for His Spirit to come in POWER.

The Revealing of the Father’s Heart

I then began to hear the sound of a heart beating loudly. The Lord said, “I am going to reveal My heart as ‘FATHER in home’ in ways My people have NEVER seen before. My Father’s heart of love is going to flow and rest in POWER like never before, as My people respond to the call of My heart to make room in the home for what I want to do.”

This is the time where He is going to reunite families. He is going to heal families. He is going to bring His people into a deeper understanding and awakening of His love and nature as Father – a good Father.

New Wineskins, Homes of Glory and Double Restoration

In this season, people have been brought into their homes where the Lord has been doing a deep work; but there is something even deeper still that He is wanting to establish. In the last year or so, the Lord has done a lot of cleansing and purging within homes; He has begun to build within homes…but I feel strongly that right now the Lord is building the NEW WINESKIN within homes. We MUST pay attention. His new wine will flow and His weighty, manifest presence will come in ways we have never seen before. But we must establish His parameters for the HOME.

This is a new season of the Lord establishing “home.” If we run ahead too quickly and don’t listen to the new strategies of the Lord (if we are holding too tight to “what was” or “what is comfortable”) we will miss what the Lord is saying and wanting to do in the family unit and households.

There is a new wave of His Spirit that is coming quickly. It is going to crash into homes all across the earth, and they will HOUSE HIS GLORY like never before. But His parameters (His strategies, His wisdom, His blueprints and His way) MUST be established.

In the spirit, I saw this huge tidal wave crashing into homes all across the earth. The houses began to ignite, blazing fiercely and bright with His fire and glory. This huge tidal wave then began to flow out FROM the homes at such an accelerated rate and with great strength.

In the spirit, I kept hearing the word “DOUBLE” resounding over and over. I knew the Lord was saying that this move of His Spirit which is going to flow FROM homes will carry DOUBLE of what we have seen in the past. Where there have been great attacks on the home, not only will there be DOUBLE recompense and restoration, but there will be a move of His Spirit from WITHIN the home. It will be bigger than anything that has been seen or imagined (Ephesians 3:20).

It is important to note that when the Lord said He was establishing the home season, this was NOT a call to hide in our homes. This is a time for the Church to arise and shine (Isaiah 61)! The Lord is re-establishing priorities again. He is heralding a move of His Spirit that will increase within homes – then FLOW OUT, bringing revival in communities, cities and nations.

The Lord spoke again: “Some of the greatest moves of My Spirit that have ever been seen are going to flow from HOMES and FAMILY UNITS…A tidal wave of My Spirit is coming into the home in an unprecedented way, and I am calling My people to be ready and make room.”

I heard the sound of TRAVAIL and INTERCESSION rising from homes with great warlike intensity. I could hear the sound of drums in the spirit as families joined together in a deeper level of prayer and intercession, bringing RAPID transformation to their cities, communities and nations.

Pay Attention to Your Neighbors

I also heard the Lord say: “PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR NEIGHBORS.” Where the enemy has tried to cause division between neighbors, the Lord is going to move in power in neighborhoods. Signs, wonders and miracles will flow as His people walk in extravagant love and kindness.

The atmosphere around me felt full of anticipation, and I sensed these words in my spirit: “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

A Tipping Point

I then had a vision where I saw homes as “NETS.” These nets were bigger than any I had EVER seen. I knew immediately that we had reached a TIPPING POINT in the spirit for an even greater harvest. It’s about to get bigger and it’s about to come in faster.

The urgency of the Lord was strong: “Get your homes ready! Get your houses ready! Get your HOUSES IN ORDER like never before.”

I saw God’s people being established more than ever before, with roots going down deep into the establishment of “HOME.” They were positioned and ready to ride the wave of His outpouring that will see a mighty harvest come in.