Profecia por medio Rev. Astrid

Hijos e hijas en esta dispensación de tiempo habrá un gran progreso y los cielos han sido abiertos, ven siéntate conmigo en este día y vamos a conversar de lo que ha de venir. Preparémonos para este progreso y gran progreso en tu vida que tanto has estado esperando, arrepintamos de nuestros pecados y comencemos nuestra marcha hacia el avivamiento de esta nación llamada América, celebremos y bailemos al ritmo del arpa, es tiempo de celebrar y gozarnos de la gloria de Dios que cambiara toda áreas de nuestra vida, muchos han estado esperando este gran movimiento del cual se ha estado hablando, vamos toma las riendas de tu vida y busca tu gran progreso (breakthrough) lo has estado esperando este es el día, celebremos como David mi hijo lo hacía, alabemos y adoremos a nuestro Señor nuestro Dios este es la manera de lograr tu gran progreso en este día. El avivamiento será la transformación de todos en esta dispensación de tiempo. ¡Es tiempo de celebración en los cielos, que esperan!

Salmo 150
1 Alabad a Dios en su santuario; Alabadle en la magnificencia de su firmamento.
2 alabadle por sus proezas; Alabadle conforme a la muchedumbre de su grandeza.
3 alabadle a son de bocina; Alabadle con salterio y arpa.
4 alabadle con pandero y danza; Alabadle con cuerdas y flautas.
5 alabadle con címbalos resonantes; Alabadle con címbalos de júbilo.
6 todo lo que respira alabe a JAH. Aleluya.

Prophecy through Rev. Astrid Sherriff

Sons and daughters in this time-I have being talking about, there will be great breakthrough and the heavens have been opened, come sit with Me on this day and we will talk about what is to come. Let us prepare for this progress and great progress in your life that you have been waiting for so much, repent of our sins and begin our march towards the revival of this nation called America, let us celebrate and dance to the rhythm of the harp, it is time to celebrate and enjoy the Glory of God that will change all areas of our lives, many have been waiting for this great movement that has been talked about, let’s take the reigns of your life and look for your great (breakthrough) you have been waiting for this it is the day, let us celebrate as David My son did, let us love and worship our Lord our God, this is the way to achieve your great progress on this day. The revival will be the transformation of all in this dispensation of time. It’s time for celebration in the heavens, waiting!

Psalm 150
1 Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in the magnificence of His firmament.
2 Praise Him for His prowess; Praise Him according to the crowd of His greatness.
3 Praise them to be of horn; Praise Him with psaltery and harp.
4 Praise Him with tambour and dance; Praise Him with strings and flutes.
5 Praise Him with resonant cymbals; Praise Him with cymbals of jubilation.
6 All that breathes to alabe to JAH. Alleluia.