Prophecy through Rev. Aaron Betz

I’m not choosing you to sit idly by, church. I’m choosing you; hand picking you for a special purpose. Oh, the “whys”and the “how comes”. They are foibles- utter nonsense- to My Spirit. My Holy Spirit hears those things and He’s like “Huh? What? I’m the spirit of God in you, and you are resisting My sovereignty which is always underlined by My love… What?”

This has got to change, My beloveds. Be sure of who I am and then and only then will you be sure of who you are. You decide within yourself who I am when I am the I AM. And then you will always know that you know who you are. When you know your Maker and His love, you will see how precisely and fantastically made you really are because this great and marvelous God created you in His image to reflect Him and only Him above all so that He may be your personal all in all.

I want to fill every role in your lives. I want it all. It is all or nothing time, My precious ones.

All = Every thought in every second and with every dream and perception being highlighted and strengthened by My character and true steadfastness in My character.

You may say: “This is an impossible task- You are asking us to be like you.”

No, no, not really. What I am really asking is for you to approach Me boldly, fall in love with Me and let Me impregnate you with My nature so that you will have Me inside of you forever. This is not nonsense, this is being born again.