By: Evangelist/Pastor Barbara Lynch

Heyday…heyday…heyday! These days are upon you church and it is not going to end. I am beginning to bless and I will continue to bless all those who trust in Me, I want EVERY BLESSING of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be upon My Peoples in this dispensation of time. I want the entrepreneurs of My church to come forth and glean the riches of heaven…instead of the world. I want Billionaires in the house of God. Not to heap upon themselves…but to give back into My Kingdom to help My Kingdom grow. I have been speaking and saying your coffers will overflow and you will have enough for yourselves and plenty left over to help the down and outer.  Believe Me this day church and stretch out your tent pegs and glean from the bountiful harvest that is out there for My children to enjoy.

HEYDAY: The period of greatest prosperity or productivity