The turmoil and unrest that is going on in your governmental structure will continue to increase. The forces of darkness are working against the forces of light. Light will not be overcome by dark. I am exposing everything that is dark in this hour and those who have aligned themselves with President Trump will see vindication on all sides. Many have ridiculed my son George W. Bush and made him out to be a clown and dullard but I am vindicating him in this hour. The truth and what he really did to protect this country after 9-11 will come out.

There is going to be a shift in the realm of intercession from one of being reactive (or defensive) to being one of proactive (offensive). The culmination of all things is soon to take place and many will be shocked at how it comes down.

My agenda is advancing despite the enemy and despite the Church. Arise remnant for this is your greatest hour and you are about to shine for Me like never before. Do not be dismayed by the wars that are coming. I spoke to you about this a long time ago. I am cleansing and purging and I am making all things new.”