The Deeper Revelations of Exorcism

Greetings Lighthouse members,

What an eventful couple of months it has been where the Lord Jesus has moved mightily here at The Lighthouse!

We experienced freedom in the Supernatural Jesus Seminar, have been learning how to be set free from sexual bondage to perversion, and are presently basking in the Glory of God in The Lighthouse’s current revival: In His Presence with speaker Evangelist/Pastor Barbara Lynch!

We have gleaned so much from the Lord in these recent deliverance and exorcism sessions we have been having. There is such a great depth to the bondage that we were not aware of before, and now the Lord is revealing these deep mysteries and secrets to set the captives free.

We have seen demons infesting people’s souls, while they hide behind very specific events (trauma) in people’s lives. What’s more is that these demons can actually live inside of split personalities.

When a person suffers from a traumatic experience, usually their brain cannot process or properly deal with the level of pain being inflicted upon the soul, and what happens is a God-designed fail safe mechanism kicks in and splits the mind at that moment and creates an “alternate personality” that is designed and functions to protect the core, real person from potentials such as suicide, sensory overload, traumatic stress (nervous breakdown, mental insanity, etc.)

These alternate personalities may or may not surface within the conscious mind – but they have a real function and purpose and they are always tied in to triggers. These triggers are red flags and warning sirens that are designed to detect future trauma and alert the created-personality to rise up as a defense mechanism to protect the core person from being wounded again.

For example, if a person is abused by a drunk person and experiences traumatic pain due to this, then each time a drunk person is around in the future this will be a trigger to activate that fragmentation of the mind to rise up and defend against the threat.

Behind each personality is a wound – the first event that created the split of the mind in the first place. In order to free the brokenness of the heart and heal the wounds of the soul, the point of pain must be reached first and that person has to be brought back to that time and ministered to. These heart pieces and mind fragments must be addressed, healed and dealt with according to the Holy Spirit.

In some cases we have had to minister to each alternate personality individually, dealing with each one’s initial point of pain, the lie of the enemy, and the demons behind each specific one. In other cases we have been allowed to address several personalities together and then deal with the demons behind them. In some rare cases, the personalities were freed simply by commanding the demon to come out first and release the prisoners (heart pieces and personalities).

One thing we have learned recently is that in every wound there is a lie of the enemy at work. It is not enough for the enemy to wound our souls, but his lies are like an infection that makes the wound worse and harder to heal. These are the lies of the enemy that were inserted into the trauma at the moment we were wounded.

Lies such as, “This was your fault,” or “You deserved this,” and things of this nature. These subconscious lies of discouragement, defeat and failure must be removed and replaced with the truth of God’s Word.

Behind all of this, demons are surely present. The demons will even hide behind personalities, wounds and lies. We have even seen sometimes the demons convince the alternate personalities to allow them to stay! In some cases, demons hold these scared heart pieces and mind fragments captive.

There must be healing and restoration to broken hearts and fragmented minds – the pain has to be dealt with and acknowledged, and most importantly the demons must be searched out extensively and commanded to depart in Jesus’ name.

We have learned that demons will attempt to dwell in any of 5 places in the human mind: The thought realm, our areas of past memories and experiences, our logic, judgment and reasoning centers, the subconscious mind and our belief system.

If the enemy can place a lie deep within our belief system then he has a stronghold within our lives of denial. We cannot easily acknowledge a deep truth if it goes against our current belief system without openness, humility and the Holy Spirit. Deep bondage with denial strongholds is difficult but possible to break free from in Jesus’ name! God has given us much wisdom in all of these areas.

One way is through a method God has utilized where He has anointed a small mirror to reflect the Truth as God sees it. We have witnessed many people (when God says to use it and thus it is anointed) hold the mirror of truth up to themselves and begin to speak what God tells them to say – a word of encouragement or affirmation, for example, and that person cannot even finish the sentence without breaking down and bursting into tears as God heals all the self-image wounds and degradation that has taken place to rob a person of all their self esteem. It is in that moment under the anointing that they can see themselves as God sees them, and He begins to take the guilt, shame and condemnation. It is truly amazing to behold.

Another tool God has given us is an anointed picture of Jesus standing there with His arms wide open, as though receiving us into Him. When God says to use it, we take it out and place it in front of the person. The very moment God tells them to look at it, I have witnessed every person immediately break down into bitter weeping without exception. The love of God penetrates the entire room and every demon has to flee immediately as God addresses the wounds and with authority His anointing and Glory commands the demons to leave. Many broken hearts are healed with these tools and the demons evacuate immediately under the weight of the anointing that comes from that picture of Jesus.

All glory belongs to God. These are new and deep things God is doing and we are so excited to be a part of it. These new tools only work when God says to use them, because it is God’s anointing that is doing these mighty works – but I have yet to see anyone that could not be set free from these recent tools under this anointing.

As the anointing of God increases in our sessions, we are seeing people having deep roots driven up to the surface, things they had long forgotten and deep family wounds coming up to the surface. Even members of our team are being set free from extremely deep wounds that we had long forgotten – all because of the anointing of God!

Let us all expect much from our Heavenly Father as He wishes to reveal deep revelation to each and every one of us in this season. We hope and pray you are receiving the favor of God in this Jubilee Year!

Blessings in Christ,
Rev. Brett Connell
Lighthouse Inc. Church Deliverance Team