The power of Jesus casts down demonic strongholds and vain imaginations and freed her spiritual gifts!

Dear friends of The Lighthouse,

I write to you today to share with you the miraculous freeing power of JESUS and how He demolished strongholds of the enemy in the mind of a firm believer of Christ!

Tiffany, a strong and recent convert to the faith was touched by the Holy Spirit in a powerful way when she was first born again. God began to use her in a great capacity to prophesy to the broken hearted, to speak healing into the sick and watch them recover, even to cast out demons in His name!

However, when in a church service one night she came to the altar to release a heavy burden upon her heart when a man approached her and laid hands on her and transferred evil spirits and wicked soul invaders into her mind and soul to control and dominate her with fear and apprehension.

She began to shake and vibrate all over her body and was completely debilitated with fear and anxiety – so bad that she had to quit her job and isolate herself from all her family and friends.

These agents of satan invaded the church and proposed to be Christians all the while they afflicted the unknowing believers with evil spirits and invasions of their souls to control and dominate their minds and force them to be dependent upon their twisted spiritual concepts.

Tiffany was freed from these soul invaders as they were commanded to depart from her soul – and the evil spirits behind the human fragments were commanded to leave in Jesus name! They shrieked and recoiled at the name of Jesus – one of the soul invaders cried out “NO! We have her marked as our bride – she belongs to us!”

The angels of God arrested and bound the human soul invaders and forced them to depart from her soul and return from whence they came along with their evil counterparts – spirits of mind control, jezebel, lust and perversion, and entire kingdoms of usurping spirits that hijacked her anointing.

Tiffany felt so much better after the first rounds of deliverance – but came back because of a vibration within her body and the apparent loss of all her giftings. Upon deeper inspection, the Holy Spirit showed us how these vile and wicked spirits commit their dirty work in the depths and untapped regions of the HUMAN MIND.

Many evil spirits were lodged in her subconscious – where Tiffany was not aware of their presence or actions. They invaded her thought life – causing her to have thoughts of being defeated, living in fear of anyone placing soul invaders inside of her, fear of having hands laid on her, fear of anyone prophesying over her life!

With a mighty move of the Spirit of God, the holy angels reached their hands into her mind and bound these spirits of darkness within the FIVE LAYERS of the human mind:

The Thought Realm
Memories and Past Experiences by which things are compared against
Logic, Judgment and Reasoning sections that determine what decisions are made
The Subconscious Realm
The Belief System – where faith is applied and concepts are believed

With the Sword of the Spirit, the angels separated these spirits from all five layers of the mind and pulled the roots of the LIE of the enemy out of her belief system. The word of God is the TRUTH that destroys the lie – and we ministered that word to Tiffany and it BROKE satans hold over her mind. The spirits could no longer hide behind her WILL and her BELIEF to keep them safe – and they all had to bow down to the Lord Jesus Christ and admit total defeat.

The power of God came down in the form of LOVE and TRUTH and broke every thought system and stronghold of beliefs that the enemy used to rule her mind with fear and anxiety. Fire came down and leveled the spiritual landscape – great shrieking and cries of desperation proceeded from the wicked spirits that manifested and were thrown down into the pit in Jesus’ Name!

We commanded the prison to be opened and RELEASE her spiritual gifts and her identity in Christ and the spirit screamed to the top of it’s lungs in a large cry of hopeless defeat. Immediately after the spirit left she began to speak in tongues without hindrance. Jesus has set her free!

The battle is in the mind – and her thought life is now under guard and control – bringing every thought into captivity that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Tiffany understands now that if she loses the battle in her MIND – then she has automatically lost that battle in her LIFE. She renews her mind with the word of God and keeps it filled with His word and He keeps her in perfect peace.

[Philippians 4:8] Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. (AMP)

[Isaiah 26:3] “You will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast [that is, committed and focused on You—in both inclination and character],
Because he trusts and takes refuge in You [with hope and confident expectation]. (AMP)

All honor and glory goes to the Lord Jesus Christ
Lighthouse Church Deliverance Ministry