I hear your cries little ones. I am healing many things within you. You shall carry My Glory. You will know how to press through during the hardest, most raging storms because you are learning to put all your trust in Me. You are going to know what true joy is and how to maintain that joy even when not one situation seems to change. In this you will see that the breakthroughs are there and will take place.

In the simple things I am going to show My greatest Glory. In the simple things much wisdom is going to be retrieved and received. Quit complicating things and see them for what they are. It is much easier than you are perceiving.

I have given you all that you need to overcome and claim each battle a victory. I have provided every tool and given you all authority that you need to stand toe to toe with the enemy and put him in his place, which is underneath your feet.

Stand your ground I have given you. Stand in unity and love and watch My Glory amplify and magnify. Hope is being born and you must grab ahold of it and stand with every joy that I have placed in you and in the strength of overcoming all that is around you and all that you have faced.

No weapon the enemy throws at you can prosper because I have provided a way that you do not have to accept what he is doing. Many of My children are not counteracting what the enemy is doing. Instead My children have become soft and not fighting at all. They are sitting in the corner of the room sucking their thumbs crying out for help but not reaching out for the life line that lays right in front of them.

I will not do it all. I can do it all but I will not do it all because I require that you are obedient and take the necessary steps that needs to be taken on your part. You must take the actions that I have told you is required.

It is time to stand and fight. It is time to hold onto what I am giving you and not allow the enemy to win. In My Glory you will find the strength to go on. You will see that even in the most hopeless places you will be able to move forward and have all that I have promised you.

You need to come to the reality that I am the great I Am and no one or anything can defeat Me and I am your Father. You need to allow the truth to consume you that I will ALWAYS take care of My children as you yield to My will. I do not do anything or allow anything to take place that does not have a purpose behind it.

Stand on the promises I have given you. Fight with your tools I have given you and stand up for what is rightfully yours. Do not rely solely on what others can do for you. You must also fight. Get out of the fear of the enemy and get into determination that you are My child and you can and will defeat the enemy because as I abide in you, you will prevail.

Let Me heal the fears. Let Me heal the broken hearted, the disappointments, and take away the pain and frustration the enemy hits you with and replace it with My love, peace, hope, and joy.

Enjoy yourself in Me. Enjoy the fight against the enemy as you praise Me. The victory is yours. Walk in it and move forward in Me.