This is a time of great expectation for My Body, little one. Expect to be delivered and you will be delivered. Expect for your finances to be fixed and they will supernaturally be fixed. Expect for your loved ones to be saved and they shall be saved. Expect a job promotion and you will be promoted. Expect for the turning of the tide and it will turn. Expect for the supernatural to start manifesting in your life and it will manifest.

Expect, Expect, Expect and then watch it come to pass.

I have spoken so many wonderful things over My Children; but they do not believe in My Prophetic Word. They assume to know all things on their own and they get themselves all jammed up and then sit around and wonder what happened.

What happened; is that they took their eyes off of the Living Word; if they ever had their eyes on the Living Word and they trusted in flesh. I want My Children to eat fresh manna from heaven daily; but they will not take the time sit at My feet for even one minute, let alone one hour. What do My children expect, when they will not trust Me with every minute detail of their lives?

They expect miracles, but they do not believe in miracles.

They expect supernatural abundance and they do not believe in supernatural abundance. The list goes on and on and on.

Church, it is time to slow down and take a really good look around about you and see what is really going on in your life and then return to your first love. Return to your place of peace and rest that you have abandoned. I will meet you there and we can start all over again or you can muddle through life and receive nothing from the Kingdom of Grace. The decisions of life are all up to you. I have done all I am going to do when I sacrificed My Son on that cross that day for you and opened the veil so you could pass through in safety. Now it is your turn to turn and sacrifice for me. Sacrifice your time; your monies; your voices; your families; and just spend time with your father who loves you desperately.

I have spoken. Are you listening?