To: Evangelist Barbara Lynch
Date: Aug 11, 2007; 12:09 am

Father, what would you want your people to hear?

My people must know that I Am The Almighty God.

They must know that I am coming in great vengeance upon all those who have rejected Me and My Son. They have also rejected My Holy Spirit.

My love knows no boundaries. And My Wrath knows no end to those of disobedience.

Wake up Body! Wake up and understand that I have spoken and so shall it be. Many are in the bowels of hell cursing Me at this very moment, but they had the same chance that you had and they also refused Me. I have sent My servants into the very throes of hell and brought them back with a message, but even that has not deterred them from their sinful nature.

When is it all going to end? That is a question that so many of the saints are asking? It will end when the Clouds split wide open and My Son returns for the True Church.

Have I not warned that gross darkness was covering the earth and the darkness would become even darker? Is it not happening? Look around about you. What are you hearing? What is happening? Wars and rumor of wars. Mothers and daughters fighting each other. Division between Father and Son. Starvation on every front. Terrorists on every front. It has already started and it is not going to end.

But, I have also promised that I would keep those who were really mine when all this comes to pass. Remnant, hold tight to My hand and do not let go. The enemy will knock at each and every door, but you do not have to open up the door. Hold fast to what you have and watch Me move on your behalf.