Posts tagged with ‘restoration’

110 of 16 items

Fresh Word – February 16, 2021

by Pastor Barbara

A season of rest has come upon My Elite.  You have been warring for a decade now and I am giving you a short reprieve where the enemy will let you go.  After the rest, warfare will start back up again, but you will not grow weary because you have been resting in My Everlasting […]

Thankfulness is a Start to Destroying Negativity

by Nancy Connell

This is a time of thanksgiving and reflection. In a world that is full of darkness, chaos, and negativity, it is important to have our homes a place of shelter, peace, and where the love of God abides. In the Thanksgiving season many families and friends make time to get together and fellowship one with […]

Prayer In Marriage – Releasing Those Bad Moments

by Nancy Connell

In a marriage you have good moments and bad moments pretty much throughout your day. There are things that are going to drive you crazy about the other person that is going to get on your nerves or cause you to question, God what are you really doing? God doesn’t say that this would not […]

When You Have Nothing To Say

by Nancy Connell

Sometimes when you go into prayer for your spouse and loved ones, you really don’t know what to say. So much may be going on in your week that you are just not sure where to begin. This is ok. It is in this time that you need to really trust that God knows. Clear […]

The Lighthouse Inc. Church Profecia – 20 de augusto de 2020

by Admin

ENGLISH TRANSLATION AT THE BOTTOM Profecia por medio Rev. Astrid Sherriff Confía con tu corazón en este día; quiero llevarte en la dirección donde Mis promesas de restaurar tu vida son si y amen. Soy el Dios de lo imposible son muchos los que han orado, han pasado tiempo conmigo y son muchas las preguntas […]

Prayer In Marriage – Wisdom- When To Stay In Silence

by Nancy Connell

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we were a faced with a choice of confronting a situation, stay silent and pray about it, or go to someone else for advice. We may find ourselves in these situations a little more frequent with our spouses and even more now that we are facing the […]

A Powerful Tool In Marriage – Prayer

by Nancy Connell

Every marriage has its ups and downs. The trials that come can at times feel that they are impossible to get through. There are times you may think what can be done to help, fix, or mend your marriage. No matter what is going on in your marriage the one thing that you can always […]

Overcoming Stress by Focusing on God and Teamwork with Spouse

by Nancy Connell

Life right now as we know it has brought new challenges and a new lifestyle that we have had to face. Some people have handled these things very well and others are hanging on by a thread stricken with worry, fear, and being overwhelmed with the overload of new decisions that they have to face. […]

Idolatry in Marriage Part 2

by Nancy Connell

(continued from Anything you put before God is idolatry. When you focus on one thing that overrides anything else that He is telling you to do or you agreed to do and all else suffers from your lack of attention in those areas, you have entered into idolatry. The enemy knows where our weak […]