Moving Forward

Evangelist/Pastor Barbara

Moving forward in this Brand New Year will require concentration on the things of Heaven. Your eyes can no longer roam to and fro, looking here and there. You must have total concentration on the things of Heaven, for the earthly realm is fast changing, going further into the darkness.

All those who abide under the Shadow of the Most High shall be protected from the onslaught of darkness. Sometimes, you will find yourselves on high-speed chases, and at other times, you will find yourself sitting in complete Peace, pondering what is to come next in this warfare journey into uncertainty.  Psalm 91:  1

I am here by your side, giving you instructions daily, and I am not going to climb down off My throne. I sit high and lifted up, and My Train fills the temple. I am seated in the Heavenlies, where I so desire for you to be seated.

Isaiah 57:  15 “For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite’”.

I never meant for My Chosen ones to sit within the confines of the darkness. Your lights are to illuminate every place you trod.

My church has become schizophrenic, and they are not sure which way to turn. TURN right now, face your Father in Heaven, and allow Me to take you into that place of complete safety where the enemy cannot tread. I speak words of encouragement continually, but your ears are too busy listening to the things of this world, and you do not comprehend what is of Me and what is of the world.

RISE UP! Rise up, little ones, catch the wind of My existence, and allow My Wind to carry you wherever it desires. The wind of My Holy Spirit will never take you into places that even angels fear to tread. Jude 1:  8  They will take you into your destiny, your safety in Me, and they will stay with you as a safe harbor.  Psalm 91:  3 – 16