Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Family,

The Lighthouse Inc. Church is undergoing a complete systems upgrade. This upgrade is for the purpose of improving our ability to share the Gospel across multiple platforms. During this process, we are encountering unforeseen problems. Some electronic and some human errors on the Lighthouse staff’s end that are learning the new process. There has been a lot of kicking against the pricks. {resisting what God is doing.}

We have had some positive emails {keep trying} and some negative emails,

{I am going to just quit watching.} We are sorry for the inconvenience this is causing. We cannot avoid it. We have heard–you need to go back to the old way. I cannot do this. This new equipment was a gift from God and very expensive. I never go back to the old; God is always in the new. He has instructed me to go forward.

The gentlemen installing the new equipment come from Philadelphia and Baltimore.   They both are working hard to iron out the quirks. We call them at all hours, and they are there working with us. The thing that is hindering this project is those who don’t want it because it requires work to learn something new.

This is just the first phase of what God is doing with the Live Stream. When the project is completed, we will not only have up-to-date modern equipment but also be heard/seen all over the world.

If we lose you in the building process, I want to let you know you are loved and always in our prayers. I pray every blessing of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob over you.

Some people can’t stand change, but God has told us we must let go of the old and change to move forward in His Kingdom. Change is never comfortable.

You cannot look back when you have prayed and placed your hand to the plow to do a works for the Father.

Luke 9:62 (NIV2011); Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

Be Blessed
Evangelist/Pastor Barbara Lynch