I listen to the heartbeat of God for His people.
My heartbeat can be heard throughout the nation as My people worship Me in spirit and truth.
I am their God, their Almighty, their Everlasting Prince of Peace, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Majestic all in all. They worship in spirit, and in truth.
They know Me as their God over their lives and over this world. They know Me as their Master, their Counselor, their Provider, their Giver of life, their Sustainer, the Holy One.
My name is above this earth, throughout this earth, within the earth, within My people, My children, My chosen ones.
I proclaim this day, My majesty surrounds you, My people, My chosen ones, My glorious holy ones that I have anointed with power above and over and through all principalities and darkness of the air. I give you authority to conquer the enemy’s tactics, and bring a halt to everything that the enemy has coming against you. The power that lies within you is great and full of majesty. All holiness lies within that power I have placed within you, My children, My chosen, My glorious and holy ones.
Today is the day of blessings beyond measure, falling from My throne to your home to your household to your loved ones to this country. Today is the day that I have given My angels charge over this nation, says the Lord God Almighty full of power, full of glory, all majesty, the Holy One.
Lean not to your own understanding for I am the all knowing God. I know what you have need of. The things that are coming your way will bring great victory over your lives. My gift this day to you is My peace, My majesty, My authority in great measure. I know, all your needs. Your Father who loves you with endearing love beyond measure, beyond comprehension, I am He.
Storehouses overflowing. Money is being returned that was stolen. Money is coming to your household, finances are increasing, a transfer of the money the wicked has held down. Health is being restored. My gift to you includes everything you have need of, says the Lord God, Almighty, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Majesty. My angels have already been sent to your household to increase the blessings over your household.
This is the word of the Lord to My children this day, and every day going forward. You will be amazed as My hand extends over your home your household, your nation says the Lord God, above all that was ever created.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, Almighty. Heaven and earth are filled with Your Glory, hosanna in the highest.
Teresa R. Michieli
Outpouring Ministries