Get Ready
Those who have ears to hear shall hear. Those who are deaf because of their sin shall remain deaf.
I have given My word out to this nation and they have heard. Some have taken heed and some have walked away. Those who have heard will receive victory in their lives and those that have turned away shall receive My judgment. You cannot call upon the Lord and expect Me to move on your behalf if you do not believe in Me. You cannot be a part of this great move that is coming if you choose not to listen.
For this is the hour where My glory shall be poured out upon this earth and those who have listened will rejoice greatly. For I have heard the cries of their heart for victory and victory it shall be.
Do not be dismayed nor discouraged for I your God have answered all your prayers. Think it not strange of what has been taking place but look forward to that which I have promised. You will know that I your God am no respecter of person. I choose whom I choose and this hour many are coming forth in the callings on their life. You will know, says the Lord, that you have been chosen this hour to meet the needs of My people. You will know My voice and you will hear it clearly without doubt and unbelief interfering. For this day I have shut the mouth of those who have been speaking into your life and they will speak no more, says your God.
Remember this I have chosen you for this time to serve Me in a way that you have never served Me before. This is a new realm, a new era of time that My move will be experienced by everyone on this earth.
The dead shall rise first and My people will meet Me in the air when the time is right. But for now move past that place of complacency and lift up your sword to the Heaven and declare the righteousness of your God Almighty over this earth.
It is time to take back this country, this nation and be a part of this great move of My Spirit as I cleanse this earth from all the evil and the unjust. I have been merciful, for I am a God of mercy. But it’s time to lay aside the mercy for the unjust. They have heard, they have been warned and they have chosen a different path than Mine.
My heart is broken over this nation that I have called My own because I see the tears of My loved ones and the grief they are experiencing for what the enemy has unleashed upon this earth. But let Me remind you those who have lost their lives, who called on My name are here with Me. They chose the right path to follow.
Let not your heart be troubled for I Am a God of great power and I will release My army, My Host throughout this nation and throughout this world. This evil is about to end on this earth.
Give it to Me this day My children and be encouraged for I your God cannot lie. My promises are yea and amen and they are for you. Receive this day My encouraging words and believe you have heard the voice of your God with great encouragement for your hearts. Be prepared, for this move is coming quickly and it shall overtake this nation and this world. Be prepared to meet your God who created all things that is and was. The visitation that is about to take place will bring good for My children and death to those who have participated in this evil. This is the word of the Lord this day.