Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we were a faced with a choice of confronting a situation, stay silent and pray about it, or go to someone else for advice. We may find ourselves in these situations a little more frequent with our spouses and even more now that we are facing the containment of the times.
It is important to everyday pray and ask for wisdom and discernment on how to handle the things you are faced for that day. Even though each one of the choices mentioned in the beginning, at times is what needs to be done, it is important to know which one is right for the situation you face.
For example, there may be a time where you want to confront an issue that you feel injustices have taken place or you can see that it not good. It may be something that has caused you to be emotional. If you are not in the right state of mind and listening for the wisdom of God, confronting can turn into condemnation and an attack, saying things that you should not say and make matters worse. Or it could be that you are ok but your spouse is not in the place to receive what you are confronting and you would be trying to handle this in the wrong manner.
This is why when a situation comes up it is better to take a minute and breathe. As you are breathing and taking a moment, pray and ask God what should you do? If He tells you to be still, be obedient and be still.
Another example is there may be something going on between you and your spouse that you feel you need to talk to someone and get it out and looking for advice. You have to be wise in who you speak to because you could talk to someone that would come into agreement with your way of thinking and not be listening to God’s voice on what you really should be doing and what course of action should be taken.
God has a way of working things out and dealing with your spouse the way it needs to be done. It is your job to be praying and seeking His face in what part you are to participate in. God knows what you and your spouse is really thinking, feeling, and what is best. All you have to do is be obedient.
Sometimes it is hard to be quiet or not get caught up in your emotions. Even Peter, Jesus’ disciple got caught up in his feelings and chopped one of the soldier’s ears off. Our words at times can be swords and cause a lot of damage. Let God be your guide as you learn when to speak, confront, or just be still.
You may even be surprised that God can deal with your spouse. Who knows, the next day they could come and say God gave them revelation of the very thing they have been doing wrong. Either way, you have to trust God and His process in doing things and know when to talk and when to stay silent.
With this in mind here is the prayer points for this week:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for my spouse and my marriage and working your miracles in our lives. Thank you for the healing, restoration, and drawling closer together so that we can reflect You and Your Kingdom and purpose for our marriage.
I pray Father that you would touch me and give me wisdom and discernment on how to deal with my spouse. As this week unfolds, help me to not react in my emotions but to do things how you want them done and to be patient as you are working things out for our good and your Glory.
Father these things are bothering me. (list the areas that are bothering you)
Now I ask you Heavenly Father to help me to see these areas as you see them and to give my spouse the encouragement and discernment to make any necessary changes along with wisdom and instruction on how to improve.
Give me eyes to see and ears to hear to know the truth and how I can help in these areas of weakness and to know where it is time for me to take my hands off and back up. Thank you that is this is happening that my eyes will be open to see your mighty hand work in their lives.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.