My people this is not the time to sit down. This is not the time to be in a state of being defeated. You are only defeated if you accept that you are defeated. Whose report will you believe?
I have told you over and over in My Word that you are the victorious ones. I have told you over and over that I have equipped you for all things that you face. I have given you every tool and weapon you need. Now all you have to do is use it.
Quit trying to do things to prove yourself. Who do you need to prove yourself to? I already know who you are. Now you need to see who you are and also who you are not. Quit trying to be something you are not and be all that I have called you to be.
I have not called you to do any of this alone. I have not called anyone to “save” the world on their own. I already sent My Son to do that.
I have called you to work together. I have called you to fight and not sit. I have called you. What are you doing with what I have given you? Why do you call what I have given you cursed? Why are you disappointed in what I have given you instead of learning how I want you to use it and to use it for My Kingdom and not for your own things or to say that you are not good enough to use what I have given you?
Are you suggesting that I do not know what I am doing or I would give My children something that they are not capable of handling or doing?
Many of you are looking at the benefits of self and not the benefits of the Kingdom. When will you see that it is not about you, but about the Whole Body?
These are questions that are designed to let you see that if your focus is not on being victorious for My Kingdom and to see the blessings you already have then defeat is where you will sit and you will miss out on what I am doing.
Do not be one of those. Embrace what I have given you and walk as a victorious warrior who has been given the greatest gift and inheritance because you have. Now it is time for you to walk and act like it. I love you.