Deception and Depression has been let loose across this nation and the enemy is out to kill, steal, and destroy. I have begun to pour out the blessing upon My children as they have activated their faith and seeing that I am the God of the impossible. I have spoken that these days were coming and that it is very important to keep your eyes upon Me and not upon man or the words of man.
My children, do not allow the enemy to take you on a side road with this distraction and blindness to what I am and going to do. Remove the words of cursing and speak words of blessings. This is a great time of rejoicing and bringing forth what I have spoken over your life. Decree and declare My Words that I have spoken and watch them come to pass.
Do not dismiss the courtroom. Do not take light of the attack the enemy has you in and do not surrender to his lies. Walk in the truth and watch great miracles take place.
Do not allow guilt or disbelief to keep you from receiving what I have for you. Do not look to what others are or are not getting. Keep your trust in Me that I know what I am doing. Things will happen that is beyond man’s control and you will know that it is I that have brought this forth.
Everything will happen on a time table that I have set and you will see that I am a God that does not lie. Seek My face and I will let you know of all preparations that you need to be doing to be ready to receive these blessings. Be obedient and do not question what I tell you.
Do not be quick to write yourself off of these blessings. The devil wants you to believe that you are not going to receive the promises because he knows if he can get you to doubt, then he can take that blessing from you. He is working overtime to get My children to falter and not enjoy the promise land. He wants you to focus upon the giants and sicknesses. However My Words is this land is full of milk and honey and all that you could ever need.
It is very vital to keep your eyes upon Me and see that I am going to provide and bring forth many great things for you, My children. Do not allow deception nor depression enter in, but think upon all that I have spoken over your life and walk in those things. Miracles are happening and are in store for you all you have to do is believe and focused upon Me.