Prayer is a powerful resource for followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ’s atonement for our sins empowers us with His righteousness in order to face the spiritual battles in this evil world.
The following spiritual warfare prayers are really what I term “doctrinal prayers.” They draw power from the absolutes of truth available to believers through the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Such prayer enables us to apply the victories won by Jesus Christ directly against the efforts of satan and his host.
Though satan seeks to defeat us in living a vibrant Christian life, our weapons are mighty: They have “divine power to demolish strongholds” (II Corinthians 10:4).
The pattern prayers that appear have proven helpful in defeating satanic influences in believers’ lives. I commend these prayers to you as a model. They represent a vital way to use doctrinal truth as you pray on behalf of your friends, your children, your church, your country and yourself.
Dear heavenly Father, I praise You that I am united with the Lord Jesus Christ in all of His life and work. By faith I desire to enter into the victory of the incarnation of my Lord today. I invite Him to live His victory in me. Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, that You experienced all temptations that I experience and yet never sinned.
I enter by faith into the mighty work of the crucifixion of my Lord. Thank You, dear Father, that through Jesus’ blood there is moment-by-moment cleansing from sin, permitting me to fellowship with You. Thank You that the work of the Cross brings satan’s work to nothing.
I Enter by faith into the full power and authority of my Lord’s resurrection. I desire to walk in the newness of life that is mine through my Lord’s resurrection. Lead me into a deeper understanding of the power of the Resurrection.
By faith I enter into my union with the Lord Jesus Christ in His ascension. I rejoice that my Lord displayed openly His victory over all powers as He ascended into glory through the very realm of the prince of the power of the air.
I enter into my victory aggressively and claim my place as more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. I offer up this prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus with thanksgiving. Amen