Loving heavenly Father, I thank You for Your perfect plan for our marriage. I know that a marriage functioning in Your will is fulfilling and beautiful. I bring our marriage before You that You might make it all You desire it to be.
Please forgive me for my sins of failure in our marriage. (One may specify and enlarge confession.) In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I tear down all of satan’s strongholds designed to destroy our marriage. In His name, I break all negative relationships between us that have been established by satan and his wicked spirits. I will accept only the relationships established by You and the blessed Holy Spirit. I invite the Holy Spirit to enable me to relate to________________(your spouse’s name) in a manner that will meet his/her needs.
I submit our conversations to You, that they may please You. I submit our physical relationship to You, that it may enjoy Your blessing. I submit our love to You, that You may cause it to grow and mature.
Open my eyes to see all areas where I am deceived. Open______________’s eyes to see any of satan’s deceptions upon him/her. Make our union to be the Christ centered relationship You have designed in Your perfect will. I ask this in Jesus’ name with thanksgiving. Amen.