Prophetic Dream – September 14, 2022 through Rev. Brett. Connell

“I dreamt that I was at mom and dad’s house, and suddenly the FBI or some government agency had pulled up into the driveway with full-blown riot gear (the point is that they were weaponized) and demanded to search my vehicle, confiscate my cell phone and wallet to do thorough investigations. They had no right to do so, but they claimed they did and used brute force and intimidation to execute their agenda.

They took my bank cards, credit cards, etc. out of my wallet and inserted them into some kind of hand-held device that allowed them to see all the transaction history of each card. They would not say anything about why they were searching, or what they were looking for. They claimed they had a warrant, but I never saw it. I felt like they really did have the warrant, which made me feel like this corrupted power spread farther than just the ‘enforcement’ side of the law. The judges themselves were also corrupted, and work together with those who desire the police state to serve their agenda.

I remember the whole process taking hours, and we weren’t allowed near them or any of our personal property while they executed their shady business. We tried to protest, and cite the law, but it fell on deaf ears. If you pushed too hard, they threatened to disable or neutralize you, or worse – execute you for interference. I remember feeling a peace about the entire situation, even though it was wrong, because I hadn’t done anything and I knew they wouldn’t find anything they were possibly looking for.

At some point, I got the sense they were looking for any kind of evidence that showed I supported President Donald Trump. They were looking for any excuse or reason to label me as a right-wing extremist, a “Maga terrorist”. Anything to see if I had donated monies or otherwise supported his campaign, including scanning through my social media accounts to see if I had posted anything “Pro-Trump” and that kind of stuff. I also remember they started including my friends that came to my aid, and ordered them to submit to a search as well.

After several hours, my dad came out and told this entire illegal and armed search party, that he had been in contact with their superior at the head office. Their boss was some kind of drill sergeant, a real strong one too, and he was absolutely livid that they had conducted this unethical search of all my stuff. Their faces drained and had an expression of abject terror. They immediately put everything back and apologized, and their countenance changed to a totally defeated empty shell of a being as they got in their SWAT truck and returned to face their judgment from their boss drill sergeant.

The feeling I took away from this dream was that the corruption has spread so deep and wide within the system, that many systems and positions of authority have been and are continuing to abuse their powers. Up until now it has affected “everyone else” but it is about to become personal to us regular, average Joe’s.

Many people initially say things like, “Let them come to my house and try to pull this stuff on me, and my 2nd Amendment rights will show them what the law is all about”. In reality, what is left of your 2nd amendment right will likely get you killed if you react in this manner. The corrupted police state will just claim you brandished a weapon and attempted to fire upon them, and they had to take you out to protect the lives and safety of law enforcement officers. You’ll be labeled as a terrorist and an extremist, and the very act of you utilizing your constitutional rights will be twisted as reasons why those very rights must be abolished.

We are living in a present world where there are lies and deceptions absolutely everywhere on television, news, social media, basically any source of information. The corrupted system wants to strip away all our rights and freedoms, to make it easier to take over and control. They are trying to separate and divide us against ourselves, the classic strategy of “divide and conquer”. They incite people to develop racial prejudice, fear and paranoia over gun control, and label anyone who doesn’t fully embrace and promote the LGBTQ+ agenda, among many other strategies of division.

What I am saying in regards to the dream I had, is that sometimes it is better to “live to fight another day”. I could have attempted to stop the illegal seizure and search of my property, by choosing to defend it with my 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms {and to potentially use them for the protection of life and property}, but is there true wisdom in doing this in that given situation? Me, by myself, with a 9mm handgun taking on a fully armed team of law enforcement with body armor and automatic weapons?

Sometimes we may need to endure unethical, illegal situations at the moment and allow it to play out so we can utilize the God-given opportunity to clear up the situation at the appropriate time. Jesus was mocked and beaten horrendously before being crucified. This was something completely wrong, illegal, and totally unethical. But Jesus waited until the appointed time to reveal Himself, the time God had provided {the resurrection} to be justified, whereby we all are justified through Him.

I believe that some people who are immediately gung-ho about “You can’t do this to me!” are similar to Peter drawing his sword and cutting the ear off the official coming to arrest Jesus. I have pondered to myself, if you make a full swing of a sword and end up cutting someone’s ear off… either Peter was a master swordsman with extreme precision and accuracy – giving the man a warning shot, or he was aiming for the head with the intent to kill and ended up only connecting with the man’s ear.

I just feel that we should, in some situations, especially ones that get our adrenaline pumping, we should take a step back and perhaps let the thing unfold as we listen for God’s wisdom and instruction.”