I am fastening your hearts and securing them into My bosom. For those who are willing to receive Me in My fullness and who are willing to forsake their own ways in place of Mine; I have come for you to take you into this secret place in Me.


I want you to feel the depth of My heart in all situations. My heart never stops beating and I want you to feel Me all the time, and learn to trust and love Me as your Father. I want to show you the fullness of My kingdom and for you to experience the joy of My ways and precepts.


I have called you to walk holy and live righteous lives according to My will for your life. I have asked this of you so that you can enjoy all that I have for you as we work together to accomplish great things.


I want My peace to settle deep into your spirits. As you come before Me I want to cull out all the wounds from the past and all the residue of the work you’ve been doing for Me in these times. I want to freshen you up and bring you closer to Me.


Do you feel the tugging at your heart? Do you feel the inclination to come before Me? Do you feel the desire for righteousness? My Holy Spirit is at work within you leading you towards Me. Please yield to My direction and guidance, for I want to take you up in a heavenly visitation.


Now is the time I want to reveal great revelation knowledge to My people. I want to prepare My children for what is to come and I want to give life to those who need it most. I am opening many books and scrolls that have never been opened before; having been saved for such a time as this.


Don’t look back; for I am not there in the past. I am no longer in the dead situations that have refused to change. You will only find Me ahead as you look forward into My face. You must not fall into sorrow and grief for those who would not change their ways despite My warnings and My pleading. Put all these things in My hands and move forward with Me.


As you come into My presence and receive My heart into yours, I will give you a new understanding and discernment for the times and seasons ahead including the ones you are currently in. I want to give much insight as to what is happening to My people. I want to reveal and expose the enemies tactics and strategies, I want to prepare My children for the disasters and darkness that looms ahead. I want to fill you with total peace and clarity.


Receive Me this day and all that I have for you.