Loving heavenly Father, I come again to worship You in the wonder of who you are.
I confess my sins to You, dear heavenly Father. Wash me clean in my Savior’s precious blood from all that offends You. I recognize within my person a fleshly nature that can be rebellious in Your sight. I affirm that in my union with Christ in His death I am dead to the rule of the fleshly nature.
I desire the new nature YOU have placed within me to be in charge through the power of my Savior’s resurrection. Thank You for having made this new creation in righteousness and true holiness, so I can love You deeply and serve You fully.
May Your Holy Spirit enable me to manifest before You and others the fruit of His full control.
I confess that, as a believer, I show my poor, blind, and naked condition. Thank You that my Lord Jesus Christ has invited me to come and buy from Him gold refined in His disciplining fires. I want that gold for myself and for Your church. Anoint our eyes with the eye salve that enables us to see things as our Lord Jesus Christ sees them.
I base every request on the merit of our Lord Jesus Christ’s finished work. Amen.