The fleshly desires are part of our lives as believers, but they need not control us. Through prayer, we can apply three biblical steps of freedom from fleshly desires.
First, honest admission and confession of temptation. (Colossians 3:5-10).
Lord Jesus Christ, my old fleshly nature is tempting me to _______________________________(name the temptation, e.g., lust, anger, gossip). and I know that if it is left to itself, it is wicked enough to cause me to sin against You.
Second, the realization that we have died with Christ (Romans 6:11; Galatians 5:24). We should “count (ourselves) dead to sin but alive to
God in Christ Jesus.” Acknowledge this truth to Christ in prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, I affirm that through the work of Your cross I am dead with You to the rule and control of my flesh and its desire toward
____________________________________(name of fleshly temptation being experienced at that moment, e.g. anger, lust).
Third, living in the control of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-25). This requires that we turn to the Holy Spirit:
Blessed Holy Spirit, I ask You now to replace this fleshly desire that is tempting me toward _____________________________ (state the fleshly appeal: e.g. jealousy, lust) with the fruit of Your control.
Put within my mind, will, and emotions Your love, joy, peace, patience and all the virtues that my Lord Jesus Christ enables me to live out for
His glory. Amen.