Reposted: July 17, 2009
Author Unknown
21 Prophetic Proclamations For Corporate, United Intercessory Prayer The “Basilisk”, which means “little king of serpents”, is a high level demonic spirit. Its primary purpose is to bring death and destruction, sometimes by plagues and other sicknesses, sometimes by natural disasters such as strong winds and floods, and sometimes by murders or wars taking place.
Every year, the “Basilisk” seeks to destroy all of God’s people, but especially Israel, primarily during a 21-day period of time on the Hebrew calendar (from the 17th of the month Tammuz to the 9th of the month Av, a day known as Tish B’Av).
The following 21 Prophetic Proclamations may be used as a united, corporate declaration during this season [and daily] of demonic destruction in order to lessen the tribulation on all peoples, especially Israel, and in order to hide ourselves in Christ by the collective authority given to the united Body of Christ:
1. Let there be the protection of all God’s people, both those Jews who fall under the classification of “all Israel will be saved” (Ro. 11:26) and those Christians who love and obey the Lord, and let each one “dwell in the shelter of the Most High” and “abide in the shadow of the Almighty” (Ps.91:1).
2. Let there be the spiritual “refuge” and “fortress’ of the Lord God Himself surrounding all who place their trust in Him (Ps. 91:2).
3. Let there be a mighty deliverance by the Lord from “the snare of the trapper”, Basilisk, and from the “deadly pestilence” that he would attempt to bring against God’s people at this time (Ps.91:3).
4. Let there be a hiding place under the wings of the Lord for all God’s people and their possessions while wrath and indignation take its course, and let there be the seeking of righteousness and humility from the Lord Himself during this season of hidden prayer and fasting (Ps. 91:4).
5. Let there be the manifestation of the faithfulness of God as a shield and bulwark for all His people who are being targeted by the Basilisk (Ps. 91:4).
6. Let there be a courageous people of God coming forth at this time who are free from “the terror by night” as well as “the arrow that flies by day” (Ps.91:5).
7. Let there be freedom from “the pestilence that stalks in darkness” and “the destruction that lays waste at noon,” especially between 12:00 noon and 3:00 P.M., which is a time of extreme activity for this evil spirit (Ps. 91:6).
8. Let there be protection for all God’s people, though “a thousand” are slain nearby us, or “ten thousand” are slain right next to us. Let the destruction “not approach” us (Ps. 91:8).
9. Let there be found among God’s people the looking on with their eyes of the righteous wrath of God poured out upon the wicked, and let us intercede for mercy for them (Ps. 91:8).
10. Let there be the righteous who are finding the Lord Most High as their refuge and dwelling place (Ps. 91:9).
11. Let there be no evil befalling the righteous and no evil coming near where we dwell (Ps. 91:10).
12. Let there be the dispatching of God’s angels to oversee us and “guard us in all our ways” (Ps. 91:11), and let them protect us from even “striking our foot against a stone” (Ps. 91:12).
13. Let there be the righteous who collectively and unitedly “tread upon the lion and cobra” and “trample down the young lion and the serpent”, Basilisk (Ps.91:14).
14. Let there be a people who “love the Lord and His name”, who are mightily “delivered” from Basilisk and “are set securely on high” (Ps. 91:14).
15. Let there be the coming forth of the “honored” righteous who “call upon the Lord” and who are “rescued from the trouble” produced by Basilisk (Ps. 91:15).
16. Let there be “long life and salvation” coming to those who collectively stand in unity against Basilisk (Ps. 91:16).
17. Let there be the deliverance of all who apply the blood of Jesus Christ to their lives and walk-out in faith the words of Ps. 91.
18. Let there be mercy shown to our region, the Region of Refuge, so that all God’s prophetic promises to us will come to pass because of our prayerful repentance.
19. Let there be the joy, gladness and cheerful feasting spoken of in Zech.8:19, coming to the House of Judah.
20. Let there be truth and peace in the streets of Jerusalem during this season.
21. Let there be the lessening of the destruction upon Israel because God’s people everywhere choose to fast and pray on Tish B’Av (the evening of July 31 until the evening of August 1).